The involvement of Midrex from design through the supply of aftermarket services assures customers that their plants will have long and productive lives.
Midrex’s proprietary process and equipment design expertise is a major asset to our clients and is unique in the direct reduction industry. These engineering capabilities utilize a knowledge base that helped create the modern metallics industry.
Throughout our history, we have worked closely with companies that have contributed to the success of the MIDREX brand through the supply of technology-based products. A few notable examples are Maschinenfabrik Kōppern GmbH & Co. KG, with which Midrex has worked for almost four decades on hot briquetting systems; Aumund Fōrdertechnik GmbH, which provides insulated conveyors for efficiently transporting hot DRI (HDRI); ChemTreat Inc, which has collaborated on water treatment solutions with Midrex for over a decade; and AMI Automation, which with Midrex can offer seamless optimization of the complete production process from iron ore to liquid steel.
Midrex also has partnered with various international companies throughout its history that have built plants based on the MIDREX® Technology and participated in their successful start-up and commissioning. These companies have been selected for their expertise in project and construction management, process design and engineering, and often project financing. Each is an acknowledged leader in its field and exhibits the technical competence, adherence to completion schedules, and performance excellence that are the hallmarks of MIDREX Plant projects. This makes for a strong and mutually supportive technical team and assures the utmost customer value. Current MIDREX Construction Partners are: Kobelco, Kobe Steel Group; Paul Wurth S.A., SMS Group; and Primetals Technologies.
All designs and engineering meet the strict requirements of our ISO 9001 Quality Management System.
Midrex Construction Licensees Include:

Tosyali Algérie
- World’s largest HDRI/CDRI Plant
- Capacity: 2.5 mtpy
- Location: Bethioua (Oran), Algeria