Green Steel Production
Throughout its history, Midrex has been proactive in increasing the efficiency, productivity, and reliability of its processes while reducing their environmental impact. MIDREX® Plants are designed to minimize water, noise, and air pollution, and to meet applicable WorldBank standards, as well as local emissions and environmental standards regardless of location.
One of the biggest challenges facing the global iron and steel industry is decarbonization. Having the right solutions to reduce carbon for greener steel production, and doing it more economically, is going to be critical. Direct reduction, the focal point of our technology, is the best-proven method to make an immediate and dramatic reduction in the industry’s CO2 footprint. As the world moves toward green steel production and green electricity becomes more available and affordable, the MIDREX Plants that exist today can be easily adapted to use hydrogen(MIDREX Flex) and the plants of tomorrow will be designed to operate on MIDREX H2, making them zero-emissions from a CO2 point of view.
Maintaining a healthy and safe work environment is a top priority of Midrex and a daily goal of its employees. Midrex works with its Construction Partners and Process Licensees to implement and maintain an up-to-date safety program, with the goal of zero work-related injuries and illnesses. Midrex follows the regulations set forth by Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) 1910 & 1926 and strives for excellence in safety by continuously reviewing and updating information pertaining to facilities and by training employees on a regular basis.